Archive for the ‘God’ Category

Who’s the boss?

Posted: October 5, 2010 in God, Realizations

Those who know me, know that I am not a big fan of reality television. I find most of it seems as if it is staged for the most shock value. (in other words, stretching reality quite a bit.) It also tends to bring out the deceptive side of people. (Need I say more Survivor fans?).

Having said that, I admit that I am a fan of a television show that started last year called “Undercover Boss”.  The premise of the show is that a CEO of the highlighted company for that week goes and spends a week undercover as a regular employee. Usually they come back with their eyes wide open as to the issues that their company is overlooking.

I was trying to figure out what about this show attracts me to watching it on a regular basis. I guess it is like Matthew says in the Bible

Matthew 20:16 ESV

So the last will be first, and the first last.

That is pretty powerful stuff.  God calls us to put ourselves last in his kingdom to become first. That is pretty backwards thinking as far as our culture is concerned. Who would dream of becoming a janitor for a company vs. the CEO? Most would pick the CEO I am sure.

Throughout the show, the CEO always seems to be genuinely surprised at how hard and thankless these positions they take on are. They come out of it with a newfound respect for what it is to be the backbone of the company.

I think we are called to become like the last so we will not forget what it is like to be there. Lest we become too far removed from it to remember.

Makes me wonder where I want to be in God’s Kingdom.